The ultimate memory foam mattress guide
Memory foam mattresses –
hate them or love them, you just can’t ignore them. Considering that you are viewing this blog, we would like to imagine that you are fond of them.
On the off-chance that you aren’t, let us delve into certain things that make the memory foam mattress, unique and worth understanding. After all, millions of people can’t all be wrong about the comfort that it supposedly provides. Let’s delve into the all-you-need-to-know for humble and great memory foam mattress
What is memory foam?
You may refer to it as memory foam, but its technical name is temper or viscoelastic polyfoam. The word ‘visco’ refers to viscosity, which in turn means thick and sticky whereas elastic refers to its ability to retain its original shape, structure, form and size.
Memory foam mattresses are made from memory materials which use extra compounds which lend it the ability to relieve pressure. This happens due to the excellent close conforming ability of memory particles. It is this very property that gives users the ‘deep hug’ feeling while using the mattress. This is also the reason why the critics dislike memory foam – it even traps the heat that your body generates and you end up being sweaty.
What are the 3 main types of memory foam mattresses?
– This is the oldest form of memory foam mattress available for purchase. It features a closed-cell design which gives you an extremely cosy feeling. It doesn’t have any added layer for cooling. However, closed-cell materials can be upgraded with cooling gels.
– The most common criticism for foam mattresses or temper mattresses is that make the sleeper too heat due to its heat retention properties. Gel-type materials can be used to make the sleeping experience much cooler. They use a type of conductor that pulls the heat away from the sleeper’s body.
Open Cell
– This type of memory foam mattress is much less dense than close-cell memory materials. As the name suggests, it features an open air construction which enables the air to flow and move around more freely through the entire mattress. As a bonus, cooling gels can be added to further increase the comfort quotient.
What are the advantages of a good memory foam mattress?
Unique Support
– Memory foam mattresses are quite versatile and with time, there have been scores of different iterations. The older memory foam mattresses are said to be extra-soft but one can easily find denser memory foam mattresses these days which do not cause one to be sweaty when asleep.
Pain Reduction
– Whenever you suffer from chronic pain in your body, virtually any doctor you consult will recommend using a memory foam mattress. There are different with target pressure build-up as well as severe back pain. Some memory foam mattresses are able to help with things like spinal alignment!
Pressure Relief
– Visco-materials possess a natural quality of being able to relieve the human body of pressure and strain that keeps us up at night. The thicker the memory foam mattress, the more potential it has of relieving pressure.
We hope the above mentioned information helps you choose the ideal White Berry Memory foam mattress, from one of our many advanced mattress ranges. There’s something for everyone